Features and Key Benefits of Automated Solid Waste Segregation System

Brief Overview:

MSW Urban Garbage Sorting Plant (100-400 MtD) is an automated solid waste segregation system. This automated sorting machine features a highly efficient sorting process and segregates/sorts out the mixed solid waste. The mixed waste materials are mainly comprised of solid waste, waste paper, plastic garbage, e-waste, waste glass, household garbage, and lots more. By using a powerful and efficient sorting system, “MSW Urban Garbage Sorting Plant (100-400 MtD)” will employ a fully automated solid waste segregation system and guarantee a superior quality of the final products/sorted materials. The sorting rate of this advanced equipment is really unquestionable that creates the basic foundation for the following pyrolysis, recycling, or other relevant processes.

automated waste segregation system
Automated Waste Segregation System

Environmental Impacts of Using an Automated Waste Segregation System:

As you already know, landfill or the disposal of waste material simply by burying it to the disposal site is one of the oldest forms of waste treatment. According to history, landfills have always been one of the most common and widespread methods of organized waste disposal. However, this method is inefficient and harmful for the environment since it can cause soil contamination, air pollution, and groundwater pollution etc. Therefore, it is important to recycle municipal solid waste which is considered to be an excellent method of environmental protection and energy conservation. In recent years, recycling of municipal solid waste has gained great attention among the commoners. Not only the process can beautify and save our mother environment, but also it can lead to innumerable economic and social benefits. But, prior to municipal waste processing and recycling, it is pertinent to use a municipal solid waste processing plant.

This sorting plant is designed based on the principle of minimizing the volume to solid waste that can be turned into useful, recyclable material. The key technology behind this automated waste sorting system integrates multiple breaking and dissociation equipment (as appropriate for different types of solid waste) in order to achieve a high separation rate and maximum energy-saving effect.

municipal solid waste processing plant
Municipal Solid Waste Processing Plant

Main Features of Municipal Solid Waste Processing Plant (100-400 MtD)

1. High Efficiency: This machine sorts out and segregates original solid waste into harmless, recyclable, and useful end products.

2. Innocuity: The entire operation is carried out in a fully-enclosed environment; hence there will not be any plastics burning process, no exhaustion of harmful gases and substances, and absolutely no odor.

3. Fully Automated: This machine is controlled and monitored by a powerful programmable controller. It requires no manual intervention.

4. Adaptable: It can sort out and segregate all types of solid waste materials, including MSW, construction waste, dead livestock, agricultural waste, household waste and garbage, food industry waste, e-waste, medical waste, and lots more. Then you can use the waste plastic recycling plant for sale or other kinds of waste recycling plants to recycle the sorted waste.

5. Great End Results: After thorough sorting of solid waste and urban garbage (as segregated through MSW Urban Garbage Sorting Plant (100-400 MtD), the end products can be recycled for both economic and environmental purposes. Furthermore, the entire process will result in a relatively less amount of waste incineration and production of harmful, toxic gases.

The Final Verdict: With this, you have revealed the key benefits and features of an automated solid waste segregation system that can segregate raw MSW solid waste into recyclable commodities. Get more info here: https://mswrecyclingplant.com/.